Interregional Association of Economic Cooperation of the Subjects of the Russian Federation "Far East and Transbaikalia" is a non-profit organization, one of the first interregional associations in Russia.
The Association is the legal successor of the "Far Eastern Association of the Congress of People's Deputies", established on a voluntary basis on August 11, 1990 in accordance with the Agreement “About the basic principles of socio-economic cooperation".
The founders of the Association are the legislative and executive bodies of the Russian Far East and Transbaikalia regions.
The legal status of interregional associations of Russian federal subjects and the objectives of their activities were fixed by the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of November 11, 1991 “About the provision of conditions for enhancing the role and interaction of the republics within the RSFSR, autonomous entities, territories and regions in the implementation of radical economic reform".
At present the Association unites 11 subjects of the Russian Federation:
- Amur Region
- Jewish Autonomous Region
- Transbaikal Region
- Kamchatka Region
- Magadan Region
- Primorye Region
- Republic of Sakha Yakutia
- Buryat Republic
- Sakhalin Region
- Khabarovsk Region
- Chukotka Autonomous Region
The main objective of the Association is interregional integration and socio-economic development of the regions - members of the Association.
The subject of the Association's activities is the integration of the regions efforts to create a sustainable model of socio-economic development for the Far East and the Baikal region by sharing the available facilities and opportunities, including the resource base and geographical location.
The aims of the Association:
Representation of interests in state and federal bodies, regional authorities, as well as local self-government bodies;
Preparation of proposals for the development and improvement of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and regions - members of the Association;
Participation in the development and implementation of state, federal and interregional programs and projects for socio-economic development of the territories.
The Association directly cooperates with:
The State Duma of the Russian Federation;
The Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
The Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Far Eastern Federal District;
The Government of the Russian Federation;
The Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East;
Federal authorities;
Local governments;
International organizations and foreign representations.
The Association acts in accordance with:
The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
The Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations" of January 12, 1996, No. 7-FZ;
The Federal Law No. 211-FZ of December 17, 1999 "On General Principles for the Organization of Activity of Economic Interaction Associations of the Subjects of the Russian Federation";
And other legislative acts.
The stages of the Association's development
1991-1995 marked the initial stage of formation of the Association, the formation of regulatory and legal framework, management bodies and methods of interaction to reduce the negative consequences of economic disintegration.
The period 1996-2000 was characterized by moving from current problems to solutions of the topical matter of territorial development.
At the initiative of the Association, the Federal Target Program "Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Transbaikalia for 1996-2005" was adopted in 1996 and extended until 2013.
From 2001-2015 the efforts of the Association were concentrated on the development and approval of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region until 2025 (hereinafter referred to as Strategy-2025) and its Implementation Plan, the program "Economic and Social Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region for 2014-2018 and for the period until 2025"; state programs aimed at providing infrastructure for the economy and social sphere, attracting investments in the non-state sector of the economy. The Association together with the region's authorities organized and conducted international economic forums, conferences and interregional exhibitions.
Starting from 2016, the activities of the Association focused on the implementation of a new model of socio-economic development for the Far East and the Baikal region with the use of special tools proposed by the Fund for the Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region JSC, Far East Development Corporation JSC, ANO Agency on the development of human capital in the Far East, ANO Agency of the Far East for attracting investment and export support.
Priority directions of current activity:
- Project management, the introduction of targeted models for simplifying business procedures and increasing the investment attractiveness of members of the Association, improving the business climate, developing interregional integration and cooperation, monitoring and participating in the creation and development of the Territory of advanced development projects, Vladivostok Free Port;
- Holding Expert Councils of the Association, expert sessions, round tables, conferences and other events on the development of the macroregion;
- Implementation of the Strategy of socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region until 2025;
- Prioritization of state and federal target programs, implementation of comprehensive development plans for members of the Association;
- Development of cross-border economic cooperation and implementation of projects for international integration of the Far East and the Baikal region of Russia with the Region countries;
- Participation in the organization of international and interregional forums, conferences, seminars and exhibitions.
The Association is governed by:
General meeting of members of the Association (Council of the Association) - the supreme governing body;
Chairman of the Council of the Association;
Deputy Chairman of the Association Council - General Director of the Association;
The Executive Directorate of the Association is a permanent executive body;
The Expert Council of the Association is a permanent collegial expert-analytical advisory body;
Chairman of the Expert Council.
The management bodies of the Association and their officials represent the interests of the Association in the federal bodies of state power, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies within the powers defined by the Constituent Agreement and the Association Charter.
The supreme governing body of the Association is the Council of the Association, which includes Governors and Chairmen of the Legislative Authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - members of the Association, as well as the Deputy Chairman of the Association's. The Council is headed by the Chairman.
Representatives of the federal authorities, science, education, business and other organizations that exert a significant influence on the socio-economic development of the constituent members of the Russian Federation participate in the work of the Council of the Association.
The Chairman of the Council of the Association is elected by the Council of the Association from the number of Governors of the subjects of the Russian Federation - members of the Association. He organizes the work of the Council of the Association, leads its meetings, approves and signs its decisions, protocols, and other documents.
The Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Association - General Director of the Association manages the activities of the Association between the meetings of the Association Council.
The Expert Council of the Association includes representatives of the executive bodies of state power of the constituent members of the Russian Federation - members of the Association (the level of the Deputy Prime Ministers and ministers), Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Association, official business partners, experts.
The Expert Council ensures effective interaction between the members of the Association in the elaboration of questions and the preparation of recommendations in the field of sociо-economic development of the subjects of the macroregion.
The Chairman of the Expert Council organizes the work and leads meetings of the Expert Council, signs its decisions, protocols and other documents.
The Executive Directorate of the Association, in accordance with its statutory goals and tasks, performs organizational and managerial functions related to the organization of the work of the Council of the Association, the Expert Council, the implementation of their decisions, and the execution of instructions from the Chairman of the Association Council.